Stella Tang 鄧凝姿
Tang Ying Chi obtained DFA, MFA, BA Fine Art from Goldsmiths College of the University of London in England and RMIT in Australia respectively. Tang is an active art practitioner who merged various roles as practicing artist, educator, curator and writer. She has over 20 solo exhibitions, and participated in many group exhibitions in Hong Kong and internationally. Tang obtained numerous awards/fellowships/residency such as Visiting Fellow at the Hong Kong Design Institute (2016-17), Artist Residency at the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence and Art Quarter Residency at Budapest, Hungary (2015), Artist Residency at Faculty of Art, Chiangmai University, Thailand (2012), Artist-in-Residence, Lingnan University, Department of Visual Studies (2010), People of the Time by British Council of Hong Kong (2008), the Urban Council Fine Art Awards at the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial (1996) etc.
鄧凝姿先後獲得英國倫敦大學金匠學院及澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學學士、碩士及博士學位。鄧氏為活躍藝術工作者,兼有藝術創作者、教育/策展及寫作人身份。鄧氏有超過20個個人展覽及在海內外參與不少群體展。亦獲多個獎項,如2016-17年期間於香港知專設計學院訪問學人,2015年於匈牙利布達佩斯Art Quarter Budapest的藝術駐留計劃,2012 年泰國清邁大學藝術系及2010年嶺南大學視覺藝術系校藝術家,2008年香港英國文化協會的當代人物及1996年由市政局頒發的香港藝年展獎。