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Mies van der Rohe 3
  • Mies van der Rohe 3

    HK$ 1,000.00價格

    Art Print

    Inkjet print on Harman cotton smooth paper by Hahnemuhle 300gsm

    21cm x 29.7cm / 8.2" x 11.6" A4 Edition of 10  

    32.9cm x 48.3cm / 13" x 19"  A3+ Edition of 10

    Certicficate of Authenticity

    • Mies van der Rohe

      These ten pieces of drawing were Li chi-tak contribution to Zuni icosahedron music theatre ‘Looking for Mies’ as theatrical element for the performance.

      To depict Mies van der Rohe’s architecture in drawing is a delicate matter. As he was one of the masters of modern architecture, those two aphorisms ‘Less is more’ and ‘God is in the details’ are challenging enough.

      Impressed and astounded by Li’s depiction of the master’s work,  not only he could apprehend the master’s meticulous grandeur, but also put his own signature drawing style onto the artwork, which was always serene and yet full of energy.

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